new gear
cbs 1.31 drop
Regular price $79.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
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cbs 11.29 drop
Regular price $79.00 USDRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
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cbs 3.15 drop
Regular price $79.00 USDRegular priceUnit price perSold out
what the people think.
great for park rats or downhill skiers. made with high quality materials perfect for riding anywhere, anytime.
- quinn
the pants are so sick. they look dope and they keep me dry all day. they're perfect. i can just fold and throw them in my bag when im skiing.
- tom
feels solid yet light. cb pants are a perfect mix of solid, quality material and light weight feel to keep you shreddin' all day
- landon
keeping the creativity
cb was made to create gear for riders at an affordable price. cb stands for solid equipment that keeps a clean and minimalistic look. all gear is handmade and done within the USA. click below to learn more about us.